White Stonecrop (Sedum album)

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White stonecrop is a flowering succulent that was introduced to North America from Eurasia. The stems grow low to the ground and are covered in small, fleshy leaves. If the plant does not have enough water, the leaves may turn slightly pink. In the summer, white stonecrop produces clusters of white flowers at the tips of its stems.

In areas where resources are readily available, white stonecrop can be easily outcompeted by other species. However, it is extremely hardy, and can thrive in thin, rocky soil where other plants can’t grow. The fleshy leaves store water, which allows the plant to survive periods of drought. The plant can also produce pigments to protect the leaves from intense sunlight, which causes the leaves to become slightly pink.

White stonecrop is pollinated by bees and butterflies. It blooms in late summer and early autumn, so it provides food for pollinators when many other plants have finished blooming. White stonecrop grows in thick mats, and is important for stabilizing the soil and preventing erosion.

For more information, visit E-Flora BC.

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