Pacific Wren (Troglodytes pacificus)

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Pacific wrens are a tiny species of songbird with a very distinct, complex song. They are round birds with a short, stubby tail that is often held upright. Pacific wrens have short wings, a thin bill, and brown plumage with darker barring on their tail, wings, and belly. They also have a slight light mark over their eyebrow.

Pacific wrens have a very loud, complex song for their size. During the breeding season, male Pacific wrens will find a perch within the understory and sing their song to attract a mate. This courtship display also involves fluttering of the wings and cocking their tail side to side. Can you see the Pacific wren doing this in the video to the left?

Pacific wrens are insectivores that forage for food along the ground. They typically inhabit the understory of old-growth evergreen forests. Pacific wrens are common across the central and southern regions of BC, except in very dry areas. There are no major conservation concerns for this species because populations are stable. However, this species prefers old-growth forest habitats that are threatened by logging and management practices in BC. Therefore, there is a risk of this species’ preferred habitat being degraded if these forests are not protected.

For more information, visit the BC Breeding Bird Atlas and All About Birds by the Cornell Lab.

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